
Infographic: What Your Customers Wish You Knew About Them

August 23, 2012

The following infographic — 10 Things Your Customers Wish You Knew About Them — comes from Gregory Ciotti at the Help Scout blog.

What I love about this graphic is the crossover between psychological research and actionable customer service teachings. Here are 3 of my favorite points from the infographic:

  • Customers will stick with your loyalty program if you get them started.
  • If you are struggling to innovate, your customers are a great resource.
  • Selling “time” over money helps customers see the value of your brand.

Check out the other 7 points below…

10 Things Your Customers Wish You Knew About Them

PS. If you are interested in social psychology, you can find some great information on Greg’s blog Sparring Mind.

8 thoughts on “Infographic: What Your Customers Wish You Knew About Them”

  1. That stat also jumps out at me Adam. I’ve got cards for CVS, Kroger on my keychain.. but miss out on other deals b/c they’re not registered, too much work. Think the easier a company makes it to enroll/use a loyalty program, the more they’ll get from it.

    No question about #1 – time is money, but it’s all relative. If I’m getting a better deal w/ better service, then yeah – it’s worth a little more time. Which ties into #9 – just had wine/card night w/ friends and it was mentioned that it’s often the company, the experience that’s made a bottle of wine special, just as much as the flavor. FWIW.

    1. Hey Davina, I agree. The more hoops you have to jump through with loyalty programs the greater the chance the cards or applications are just going to sit in a drawer.

      #9 is interesting because there are a number of other studies that show that “things” don’t matter to us as much as experiences. Your anecdote is perfect, because I think with a wine bar or coffee shop, as long as the product is good enough, it’s the service and environment that really make it work.

  2. This is hugely powerful. Nodded throughout the entire list and recalled a few personal examples of my own. Anyone pinned this yet? It should be on Pinterest…Hmm, how does my new iMac pin? I’d like to do that!

    P.S. Thanks for using comment love, although it’s not working today, just noticed. Darn.

    1. Thanks Jayme. I thought it had some great lessons!

      It would be a cool pin. I’m not on Pinterest (hangs head is social media shame). The illustrious Mrs. Gini sent me an invite, but I couldn’t figure out what other social channel I was willing to dump for pinning.

      I’ve been on CommentLuv, since day one. Why don’t you switch? Usually it works.

  3. Ok, looking out the window and no Harry Cane; looks like I will still have to cut the grass today….:(.

    I blew my computer up so I’ve been essentially down for two day; I’m surviving, but you know how fast that stream runs.

    Good, actionable items but on top of all of it, do it with sincerity; show that you care and it goes a long way.

    Stay dry; maybe it will just be more water than wind.

    1. Yeah, looks like a lot of bark and not too much bite from Isaac as far as Florida goes. My thoughts go out to Louisiana.

      No doubt, sincerity is paramount in all service. You can read all of the bullets on the infographic but if you don’t care (and show it), it’s all for naught.

      Stay dry today!

  4. I loved the entire list but I find myself coming back to the very first one over and over. I guess that’s why it’s number one. 🙂

    I was on the phone with my Internet provider the other day and stuck in that special “hold for the next available rep” loop for only 2 minutes. But when the rep came on the line, they rushed through everything, got my problem wrong, and then hung up. That led to me having to waste time calling back and explaining what happened the first time. I would’ve gladly spent a few more minutes on hold for a better support rep.

    1. You bring up a great point with your story. Companies can get lost when they on a single metric — for instance, hold time — and can lose track of the total experience. Hold time is easy to measure and quantify; the quality of the call is more difficult. Not sure if that’s relevant here, but it could be. Your experience wasn’t what you wanted, even though the hold time was good.

      Great comment Chase — thanks!

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