
10 Lessons from 200 Customer Service Podcast Episodes

April 3, 2017
10 Lessons from 200 Customer Service Podcast Episodes

It has been an exciting time for our customer service and customer experience podcast, Crack the Customer Code. We recently crossed the 200 episode threshold, hit #4 in the business category on, and doubled our listenership in the last month.

We’ve had some fantastic discussions and amazing guests, and I thought this would be a great time to look back at few of the lessons from the first 200 episodes.

Here are some tweetable, customer service lessons from just a few of the amazing podcast guests we’ve had on Crack the Customer Code.

10 Lessons from a Customer Service Podcast

On Content Marketing…

Empathy is the most valuable marketing skill.

Andy Crestodina

On Social Connections…

Phil Gerbyshak, Episode 150

On social, “Be personal and make a person-to-person connection first.”

Phil Gerbyshak

On Social Customer Service…

Where you complain has the biggest impact on what happens next.

Jay Baer

On First Impressions…

You never know who you’re going to meet, or who you’re going to be next to…

Sylvie di Giusto

On Amazing Service…

The amazing companies are just a little above average—all of the time.

Shep Hyken

On Social Purpose…

Sure, you make great stuff, but so do 9 other people. I want to see what you stand for.

Graeme Newell

On Executive Leadership…

Most execs do not live the brand the way their customers do.

Brian Solis

On Service Aptitude…

It’s not the employee’s responsibility to have a high service aptitude…

John DiJulius

On Being Nice…

You can only be a human being in business. You cannot be a sterile machine…

Doug Sandler

On Service Automation…

It’s OK to automate an outbound message. It’s not OK to automate engagement.

Bryan Kramer

Get More Customer Experience and Customer Service Insights

Want to hear more great customer experience, customer service, and business experts like this live, subscribe to the Crack the Customer Code podcast.

What’s the best way?

If you’re on IOS and want the best podcast experience, then we highly recommend Overcast is by far my favorite podcast player. As soon as you download it from the app store, go to the Business category, and subscribe to Crack the Customer Code. You’ll get an update every time we release a new episode.

Of course, you can always find Crack the Customer Code on iTunes, but I think once you try Overcast, you’ll really like it.

If you’re on Android, Windows or another platform, you can find Crack the Customer Code on Google Play Music, Stitcher, and Pocket Casts.

2 thoughts on “10 Lessons from 200 Customer Service Podcast Episodes”

  1. Pingback: 296: Jeffrey Shaw, The Lingo of Customers

  2. Pingback: 292: Mark Podolsky, Happy Customers Guaranteed

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