
Customer Experience Design: The Zappos Experience

December 17, 2012

In a few short years, Zappos has become known as one of the bellwether brands of customer service. I could write a whole book on how Zappos has risen to such great customer service heights (and others have); however, I want to take a look at one little slice of the Zappos experience: the customer experience created by the almost flawless user experience design of

To walk you through this topic, we have created a SlideShare that takes you through various screenshots and demonstrates how the Zappos user experience is designed around what its customers want.

And spoiler alert: Most social media “gurus” won’t like how Zappos treats social media (but the smart ones will!)

Click below to begin the SlideShare, and then let us what you think.


7 thoughts on “Customer Experience Design: The Zappos Experience”

  1. I read this post and found it interesting for one reason, I’ve heard of Zappos and I’ve never paid close enough attention to know what they do. It made it hard for me to fully grasp the point of the post, so I’ve decided to go and see what they are all about.

    1. Now I get it!!! Online shopping for clothes and stuff. I am, as a friend in high school once said, “A Fashion Victim”. Perhaps, that is why I never knew what Zappos did.

    2. Zappos is pretty impressive, and their CEO Tony Hsieh has been deservedly lauded for his approach to customer service. What I found most interesting was their approach to social media — which was not to push it at all on their home page.

  2. Pingback: Monthly Mash and a Kick Butt Customer Service Facebook Page

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