
Customer Service Stories: Introducing The New Series

August 19, 2011
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Last Saturday, I wrote that this blog would be changing tack and focusing on the customer service experience. One of the most exciting aspects of this conversion is the launch of the Customer Service Stories series.

The idea behind Customer Service Stories is to discuss the principles of superior customer service through the lens of anecdote. While content posts like 5 Ways to Make a First Impression with a Customer are important (and I am sure we will have many of them), sometimes nothing teaches like analogy.

An added benefit of the series will be to broaden the perspectives given on real life customer experiences through the wonders of guest posting.

Accordingly, we are extremely pleased to launch the series tomorrow with a story from business consultant, coach and strategist Kaarina Dillabough, who is not only launching the series but being kind enough to fill in while I am away.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow for the first installment in Customer Service Stories.

Have your own customer service story? Interested in guest posting? Feel free to email me at adam <at> Comments are disabled on this post.

2 thoughts on “Customer Service Stories: Introducing The New Series”

  1. Pingback: Surprise! A Lesson in Superior Customer Service

  2. Pingback: Chick-fil-A Does Customer Service – In a Parking Lot

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