We are pleased to announce our new video series, Inside Customer Service!
The purpose of Inside Customer Service is to create short, easily digestible interviews with business professionals that get to the heart of what customer service is all about. We wanted to hear from not only customer service and customer experience experts but also from business professionals with valuable customer service experience both inside and outside of their professional lives.
We hoped to try something a little different with Inside Customer Service, so we created a fixed interview format whereby each person would answer the exact same questions. The fixed format exposes viewers to the variety of approaches to customer service that can exist within a limited framework.
We narrowed the questions down to three:
We hoped that these questions would enable our experts to share interesting stories with real-world business applications with our community and, judging from the results so far, it has worked!
We have an awesome lineup to kick off Inside Customer Service, including …
So, please check out the first two videos in the series featuring Laura Click and Sean McGinnis!
Also, if you are interested in being featured on Inside Customer Service, contact us here.
What do you think of the new series?
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Thanks for the invitation to participate Adam! Clearly I need a new camera! 🙂
Hah! I really didn’t think it was that bad. Your story was so great — thanks again for participating!
What happened to your hair?
Good job sir.
Thanks for having me, Adam! This was a lot of fun. I hope it’s of some value you to your readers. I can’t wait to see who you have next!
Thank you for helping us kick off the series! You did a great job Laura!
Nobody is going to want to follow you, Sean’s pissed at Adam because he didn’t put his mug up their first. I know I’m not going to sign up unless I can use a body/head double. Maybe I’ll do one where my dome is pixelated.
If you take care of the basics really good, it’s the little things over and above that really stand out. Great story; I tried it with my Barista and he told me to ‘buzz off.’ I wonder when I should expect my surprise.
If you run into any Dorman’s in the Nashville/Memphis area, I’m probably related to them. If you find out any of them have any money, make sure you let me know.
HAHAHA, Bill! I would argue that Sean was WAY more concise! I’m afraid I rambled on for far too long! So glad you liked it anyway. 🙂
And yes, I’ll be on the lookout for Tennessee Dorman’s….as long as I get a cut of any of the money they share with you. 😉
I’m supposed to give people money? I think the series just got cancelled. 🙂
Adam, this is a great idea! Love the questions, too.
Laura and Sean have both shared truly outrageous customer service stories, good and bad. I remember well Sean’s blog post about the creepy customer service stalking. That company would’ve lost my business as well.
And Sean gives great advice here for CEOs and managers who want a first-hand look at the customer service side of their businesses. It reminds me of Undercover Boss!
Thanks so much Michelle! I appreciate that.
Laura and Sean really did kick it off right. It’s interesting to see how different people answer the same exact questions. And yeah, his online stalking story is one for the books!
Very, very cool: excellent guests, excellent content…just the right length of time. Keep ’em coming. Cheers! Kaarina
Many thanks Kaarina, and we’ve already got two more queued up, so hopefully we can keep the train rolling! 🙂
Excellent new video series, Adam!
Laura and Sean were spot on with their tips… Nothing but quality work here and you’re just getting started…
Looking forward to following this series : )
Thanks so much Mark! That means a lot coming from you.
You ready for your closeup? 🙂
First of all, if I was Sean I would be pissed…if you drug my tired ass to follow the lovely and beautiful Laura Click I would bring your site down. Talk about a no-win situation….and plus, why didn’t Sean’s words match his lips, did you have to translate from Chicagoan?
Having said AND observed that, no, I won’t be requesting a spot unless I can do it with Mark Harai as our big ass heads will neutralize each other.
All kidding aside, great job; I like the finished product.
What… are you the film critic for the Sentinel now? 🙂 Okay, maybe it wasn’t too fair to have Sean follow Laura but his content was so awesome, he made it work.
Unfortunately, Mr. Harai says he won’t work with you, so I think I will just have to have you follow Shonali and her awesome accent. Good luck with that one!
Appreciate the props Bill! For real, we are going to have to get you to do one of these.
Um, thanks for the kind words, guys. I’m blushing. 🙂 You’d better stop now before my head gets as big as Bill’s! 😉
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