
customer expectations

How to Be a Good Customer | Young woman, money in mouth

How to Be a Good Customer: 16 Ways to Not Be a Jerk

Here at Customers That Stick, we focus on customer service from the perspective of customer-facing professionals and companies. Yet, customer service is inherently a two-way street, and when you talk about customer service long enough you eventually run into a simple fact: Customers have some responsibilities in the company/customer relationship. Sure, the customer is paying …

How to Be a Good Customer: 16 Ways to Not Be a Jerk Read More »

What Is Excellent Customer Service?

Customer service is one of those topics where it is easy to speak in broad generalities. Sayings such as the customer is always right and service begins with a smile easily convey basic, unqualified principles that mask the fact that what defines excellent customer service will always be incredibly individual in nature. However, while superior …

What Is Excellent Customer Service? Read More »



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