

Sales, Customer Service or Operations | Person with question mark

Sales, Customer Service or Operations: Which Is Most Important?

The title of this post comes from a question we use in job interviews. The full question is as follows: Sales, customer service or operations: Which one is most important and why? Now, the job we use this question for actually requires a fairly equal distribution of responsibilities among all three functional areas, but we …

Sales, Customer Service or Operations: Which Is Most Important? Read More »

5 Lessons Salespeople Can Teach Customer Service | Traffic Signal

5 Lessons Salespeople Can Teach Customer Service Professionals

Sales is one of the toughest jobs in business. To survive in the sales game, you need a thick skin and an unwavering persistence. At the same time, to thrive in sales you need a sunny personality, a way with people, and a firm grasp of the dynamics of the sales game. This is why …

5 Lessons Salespeople Can Teach Customer Service Professionals Read More »

Want To Help Your Customer | Man With Taped Mouth

Want to Help Your Customer? Then Just Shut Up

There are two words of advice that all good salespeople and customer service reps know: Shut Up Customer service and sales are remarkably similar in this respect. When confronted with a prospect or a customer who has an issue, reps often immediately start talking, offering assistance and mostly trying to avoid the discomfort of silence. …

Want to Help Your Customer? Then Just Shut Up Read More »



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