
The Effortless Experience: An Interview with Matt Dixon, Part 2

November 18, 2013

Last Thursday, we released three short video clips in Part 1 from our interview with Matt Dixon, coauthor of The Effortless Experience. Today, we are pleased to share the entire interview, which centers primarily around the idea of customer effort.

The concept of customer effort first began gaining traction back in 2010 when team members from The Corporate Executive Board Company (CEB) published an article in the Harvard Business Review entitled Stop Delighting The Customer (preview). Since that time, CEB has expanded its research into the relationship between customer effort and customer loyalty.

Much of this research culminated in the recent book: The Effortless Experience.

The full interview covers a wide variety of topics that were not in the excerpt clips posted last Thursday, including the origins of the research and why customer delight might not be the most effective customer experience strategy.

We hope you enjoy!

2 thoughts on “The Effortless Experience: An Interview with Matt Dixon, Part 2”

  1. Is there a transcript available? I’m a little perplexed why a site dedicated to customer service would just give one option. I find it very hard to learn from video and it severely hampers my availability .

    1. Hi Weston,

      Thank you for taking time to visit CTS and for sharing your feedback. I apologize that we do not have a transcript available. One of the customer service principles we teach at CTS is focusing on the actions that provide great service to the majority of customers. No business can do it all, and choices inevitably have to be made. We have not seen a demand for transcripts before, but we appreciate you sharing your feedback and will certainly keep in mind adding this functionality as the site grows. I do apologize that the lack of this feature is an inconvenience for you currently.

      Again, thank you for reading Customers That Stick; I hope that you will be able to enjoy some of the other text-based information we have on the site.

      Best wishes for a happy new year!

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