Creating great customer experiences and delivering great customer service almost always boils down to one thing: being able to understand the experience of customers — to walk a mile in their shoes and to build a better shoe or create a better walking path with that knowledge.
It begins by understanding what your customers are going through, especially when the experience is not a positive one.
My wife and I were both exhausted. On most nights, my wife cooks dinner, as my culinary repertoire is limited to frozen pizzas and eggs. However, on Tuesday, she just didn’t feel like it, and she decided to grab takeout from a place nearby — but not that nearby.
She usually only gets takeout from this restaurant coming home from the office. It’s on the way and really only adds 15-20 minutes to the commute home; to leave the house and get it is another matter entirely. It’s about 45-60 minutes total, 15-20 minutes of car time each way and about 15-20 minutes parking and going into the restaurant. There is virtually no parking in front of this Japanese/Sushi/Hibachi restaurant in a busy shopping center; you almost always end up parking in a separate lot, sometimes pretty far away.
My wife arrived back at the house with the food after almost an hour. I was ravenous. As I opened up my food and began to plunge my fork in, I noticed something. This was not what we ordered. We opened her food, and it was the same situation. I won’t spend extra paragraphs explaining our dietary restrictions and why we couldn’t just eat what we had. But the short version is that neither of us could eat it. It wasn’t just the wrong product, it was an unusable product.
Of course, we were reminded of how important it is to check your order before leaving, and my wife, after listening to me quote Joe Pesci’s famous (and unprintable) line about drive-thrus from Lethal Weapon 2, called the restaurant and explained the situation to them. We might not have checked our food, but in the end, we also shouldn’t have to. The restaurant filled our order with the wrong product.
My wife was very calm, perhaps too calm in retrospect, and after some fumbling with English on the other side, my wife was put on hold. Someone else came on the phone and after some time, the situation was semi-resolved. I say “semi” because we left the experience with a more negative view of the restaurant.
In the end, the restaurant staff did a few things right, and a few things wrong, and in those actions are lessons for all on the front lines of service.
One of the reasons this restaurant’s service recovery gets a poor grade is that it only dealt with the product failure and not the entire experience. They made good on the product failure with fairly low effort — offering us the credit — but they didn’t seem to understand the larger failure — just how bad the experience was for us as customers. We didn’t just get a bad dish, we dropped an hour of our lives for their product, paid for it, and couldn’t even use it. The only fix was to drive all the way back down there, park and pickup, and drive back, losing another hour of our evening before eating.
As someone who talks a lot about being smart about service recovery and giving great service without giving away the store, I don’t expect every customer service situation to be solved with monetary compensation. In this case, they had a few options to show their empathy and to make some sort of gesture that indicated they understood what a bad experience this was.
Here are five ways they could have delivered a better service recovery without being lavish:
We weren’t looking for the world; in fact, we weren’t looking for anything. If they had offered any of the solutions above that involved us driving back, I doubt we would have taken them up on it. We really didn’t want to lose the hour, but the gesture would have mattered, and we would have left the experience with a more positive view.
None of their actions demonstrated that they understood what we were experiencing as customers.
Will we go back to this restaurant again? Well, of course, we have a credit there. However, we will go back more than just to use our credit. There are few decent dining choices close to us, and it is a good restaurant that we have been patronizing for over five years. We’ve had a lot of good meals there, and it is a favorite location to take visitors.
But my guess is that we will go less, and more importantly, we will likely choose other options more when ordering food for take-out. We had just started getting takeout from this restaurant, and it would have been an entirely new revenue stream from us as customers.
In the end, we’ll still be customers; we’ll just spend less. And that is the danger of not understanding the other side of a bad customer experience.
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Before I begin I want to say that I don’t disagree with your thoughts on the situation. However, since the topic said understanding the other side I’d like to take the other side because I’ve been in your position, though without as long as drive
First, had it been me I would have kicked myself for not looking at the meal first; I do that part all the time. Second, if I had called, it would only have been with the intention of going back to get what I’ve ordered. That’s because I know that businesses like these get scammed all the time and it makes them wary.
I know that as the customer sometimes we think it should always be about us. I tend to believe that every once in a while it’s on us to truly see it from their side. It still leaves the option of not going back if things escalate negatively.
Thanks so much for the comment Mitch. I absolutely agree — customers should always try to be understanding of the business side of the equation (though I teach service professionals that it often doesn’t work that way). In our case, coming from a small business and retail background, we know how easy it is to drop the ball. So, I feel like we understood the business’ side and that sometimes orders get messed up; that’s why we never got angry with them or asked for any of the things we thought they could have offered.
That said, there seemed to be a disconnect on their side of the equation related to our experience. Maybe I can sum it up this way: Even while protecting their business, they had a lot of room to be more fully engaged in the service recovery and to make minor gestures to demonstrate that engagement.
PS. We were definitely kicking ourselves for not checking the food! 🙂
I think from a customer service perspective the worst thing they did was say “that’s how the dish comes”. Clearly they were lying. They’re lucky to be retaining any of your business.
Yeah, that answer certainly didn’t make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Thanks for commenting Jeanne!
I think this whole thing was a mistake of that restaurant and that can be corrected if they refund you or consider your request by accepting their mistakes of changing food order.
But you have called them and asked for refund then you should go and visit them again because any one can call them and ask for refund and that can be scam.
Agreed Pritam. We did understand that asking for a refund over the phone can be tricky. We thought they could have offered a bit more than they did though.
The good news is that we have been back there now since then and had good experiences!
I agree with what you said about failure in the product is equal to experience failure, it can lead to unsuccessful customer experience. It can lead to a negative testimonials about the product which will result a business loss.
Everything cannot be done with monetary compensation especially sensitive things like this. It is also about how they treat their customers and the language they deal with the customers. They have to put themselves in the customer’s shoes, otherwise they will never understand..