
What is Customer Service? A Look Back via SlideShare

February 7, 2013
What Is Customer Service?

On March 7, 2012, we asked 19 business, marketing and customer service experts the fundamental question:

What is Customer Service?

We received some truly insightful answers and thought we would revisit some of the better nuggets by creating a SlideShare presentation. If you missed the original post or have not read it in awhile, check out the presentation below.

8 thoughts on “What is Customer Service? A Look Back via SlideShare”

  1. Oh..what a great way to repurpose an older blog post, totally gonna have to remember that. Lots of good comments but gonna single out just a few, FWIW:

    Shep – I feel the same about PR, about communications. It’s everything, not just a department, it is the ethos of a brand, a company – how it treats employees, vendors, stakeholders and certainly customers.
    Sean – Yeah, it’s why we recommend secret shoppers, why we encourage more front line support and empowerment – b/c that’s where the rubber meets the road.
    Gini – Changing the models to be on and offline, to be where, where and how the Customer needs them b/c it is after all, about CUSTOMER not company service.

    1. Thanks Davina! This post got a lot of traction, and we thought it would work well as a presentation because of the format.

      I agree — one of my favorite points from the post is that CS is not just a department but has to be woven into the fiber of the entire organization. I think you make a good point that PR is much the same — if everyone can get on the same page, whether it’s messaging or customer experience, it makes a huge difference to customers.

  2. How did you get that renowned customer service expert Bill Dorman in the mix; epic. Or the bigger question is, how did you do slide share?

    Today is the Full Moon Howl Clay Shoot; I guess they didn’t want us back, I didn’t get an invite…….:).

    I’m going to be in Winter Park on Tues, do you have time for lunch?

    1. SlideShare is easy; it’s landing CS experts like Bill Dorman for your slides that is hard. 🙂

      I think I’m good on Tuesday. I’ll check the calendar and shoot you an email.

  3. Pingback: A Clever Chinese New Year Hook for Customer Service and PR

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  5. customer service, it means the way you will treat customers, how will you welcome them, way to help them not in aggressive attitude ,put your self in customers shoes.

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