
Slideshare: What is a Customer Service Hero?

June 13, 2013

On January 28, 2013, we introduced a new way to define ideal customer service. We had a lot of fun putting together our concept of Hero-Class Customer Service™, a concept that stems from the belief that every delivery of superior customer service involves a hero of some sort.

We thought a Slideshare presentation would be a great way to capture the different qualities that make up Customer Service Heroes.

From Superman to Spiderman, here is what it takes to be Customer Service Hero:

7 thoughts on “Slideshare: What is a Customer Service Hero?”

  1. You did the superhero thing, Adam! This is awesome!

    What I also love, from an internet marketing perspective:
    1) 2013 is a HUGE superhero movie summer. Perfect timing!
    2) Your slideshow delivers the message on its own. No narrative needed.
    3) Perfect balance of text and images. Easy to digest. Simple.
    4) Great use of the last couple of slides! I clicked, too. Nice.
    5) Love the disclaimer and credits in the last slide. I was wondering about that!

    We can all use this as a template for a solid slideshow presentation! What a great example to follow. I’m crazy about it!

    1. Ah Michelle. You are too kind!

      Thank you so much for the awesome comment and for taking the time to give detailed feedback! I really appreciate it, and it will help when we do our next Slideshare.

      BTW, I didn’t even think about the summer supehero movies. Does this mean they’ll give me a piece of the new Superman movie? I’m in — just sayin’. 🙂

      1. Dear Mr. Toporek,

        I was wondering where you got this image: dreamstimefree_10509135 and if it had a copyright on it?

        Thank you,

  2. I love it! I love it! I love how creative you are with this and how helpful this knowledge will be for our team. I guess this will fall under our main goals in our daily operations – be customer service HERO. Thanks, Adam. I’ll share the slide to my colleagues. 🙂

  3. Pingback: Delta Air Lines Improves Customer Experience with a Safety Video

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