What should be on my customer service job resume? I’m going to answer this in one word. Passion.
There are lot of topics you should cover on your resume, but as someone who has hired hundreds of people for customer-facing roles, I can tell you the main idea you want to convey — especially if you’re just starting out — is that you are passionate about customer service.
Why you want a customer service job, why you believe in focusing on customer service. Let your enthusiasm come through.
There’s an expression that many of the people who are making the hiring decisions believe in — it is called hire the smile, train the skills.
That means the people doing the hiring, particularly for entry-level roles, are often looking for someone who has the personality to help customers, for someone with a good attitude, who’s going to fit into the culture and are less concerned with seeing a large skill set.
If you want a customer service job, show that you’re passionate about customer service.
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