
3 Things You May Have Missed in CTS’ First Year

March 7, 2013

One year ago today we officially launched Customers That Stick! Being part of a strong blog community (or many communities, if that is the way you like to view it), it is easy to forget that not everyone has been around since the beginning.

We’ve gained many new readers over the past year, and we thought it would be great to provide a brief recap and overview of the site for those who have joined the ride mid-stream.

To begin, this post tells about the launch of Customers That Stick.

Also, you can connect with us further by subscribing to Customers That Stick via RSS and by following us on the following social channels:

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And finally, here are the three pieces of content that we think are core to the experience and community here.  This content is foundational to the CTS message and brand and will inform both what we do and how we do it as we enter our second year!

1. One eBook

7 Secret Customer Service Techniques

In our first month, we launched an eBook that details some of the most important things that customer service experts know and use in the field. 7 Secret Customer Service Techniques Every Expert Knows was written for anyone (and everyone) who contributes to the customer experience. The techniques can be applied using any budget, and most of the content can be implemented right away.

We’ve had almost 1,000 downloads so far and have received some fantastic feedback on how the content has been used by our readers. If you haven’t had the chance yet, please sign up for The Customer Conversation and to get a copy of 7 Secret Customer Service Techniques Every Expert Knows.

2. One Killer Crowdsourced Post

When we launched CTS, we gathered insights from 19 different experts in small business, customer service and marketing on what customer service meant to them. The post What Is Customer Service? still ranks among the first results in Google for the phrase “what is customer service?” It is an enlightening post, with excellent insights related to the conceptual basis of customer service. Recently, we repurposed this post via Slideshare for a more digestible view of the customer service wisdom from these great minds.

3. One Customer Service Hero

You hear terms like “First-Class Customer Service” and “Gold Star Service” that describe what great customer service looks like. There is more to great customer service than just giving it a name, so we gave it an identity in our posts What Is Hero-ClassTM Customer Service? Part 1 and Part 2.

We hope you enjoyed the recap above! A huge thank you to everyone who is a part of this community and who helped make our first year at CTS such a resounding success!

If you have any suggestions on how we can better add value in our second year, please feel free to Contact Us or to leave a comment below!

4 thoughts on “3 Things You May Have Missed in CTS’ First Year”

  1. Woohoo! Happy blogaversary/anniversary/blogbirthday Adam! Amazing how time flies, right? Thanks for including me in the post What Is Customer Service: delighted to have been asked, delighted to have participated. To quote our friend Bill: cool beans that you created a slideshare as well!

    Wishing you many more years of rockin’ customer service stories that make customers stick. Cheers! Kaarina

  2. Didn’t I win something in this launch? Other than lunch, don’t you have any more free stuff for me?

    Congrats on making it a year; we all know how tenuous the online world can be. Here today, gone tomorrow……

    You have done well with this, obviously some serious thought and effort is needed to pull this off; good job.

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