
Delta Air Lines Improves Customer Experience with a Safety Video

June 27, 2013

I flew Delta Air Lines a few months ago and was pleasantly surprised by the before-flight safety video. Instead of the standard sleep-inducing safety presentation, Delta presented a safety video that blended the necessary safety information with a variety of humorous visuals.

In some senses, the video represents a gutsy move. Airline safety is not a topic ripe for humorous treatment — particularly for people about to fly.

However, Delta created a carefully-constructed video that strikes just the right balance between humor and content.

Delta Customer Service in the News

Back in August 2012, we wrote about the American Customer Satisfaction Index rankings for airlines. At the time, Delta was ranked around the middle of the pack.

Personally, I’ve always had a soft-spot for Delta. I have a friend who is a pilot and a colleague who is a flight attendant, so I am happy to see that Delta is taking its game to a new level.

Delta has been in the news twice in the past few weeks for two instances of Hero-ClassTM Customer Service.

Check out these stories about the CEO of Delta giving up his seat for a mother picking up her daughter or this story about an American traveler who lost her passport while in France (h/t to Chase Clemons of SupportOps for the link).

And while anecdotal stories are not the best way to measure a company’s customer experience, these stories do support what seems to be an enhanced focus on customer experience — as evidenced by Delta’s creative safety video.

Controlling the Customer Experience When You Can

One of the things, I like about Delta’s safety video is that it is an out-of-the-box move to maximize the customer experience in an area where the company is severely limited with options.

So much of the experience of flying is beyond the control of the airlines — security, regulation, and air traffic control, to name a few — that the airlines are hard pressed to find ways to create unique and memorable customer experiences that differentiate their service from others.

I will just repeat what I said to Michelle Quillin of New England Multimedia in the comments of a previous post on airline customer service:

So many of those things are not changeable through customer service initiatives that the airlines really have a few narrow gaps to make the customer experience better. I truly believe they can improve them, in fact I think there are opportunities to WOW customers throughout the process. The question is can they deliver at that level consistently enough to offset the basic process, and to override price and schedule.

In an industry that has been heavily commoditized, Delta deserves great credit for finding one of those narrow gaps and using creativity to improve the customer experience.

So, check out the video below. What do you think?


PS. Here is a link to the first version of this video.

4 thoughts on “Delta Air Lines Improves Customer Experience with a Safety Video”

  1. I’ve got a trip next month where I’m having to fly on Delta. This may be the first time I’m actually excited to fly a new airline. This gives me some hope that I’ll get a good experience out of it!

  2. each scenario in the video tells a story that makes you laugh (or at least smirk). it’s flat-out entertaining…from the twins (and then triplets!) in the emergency row, the guy smoking the pipe, the old lady drinking tea during turbulence, and the guy in the neck brace unable to turn around. it’s content that customers want to consume. Delta did a brilliant job. it truly shows that flying can be a fun, enjoyable experience. and it even makes me want to fly Delta – just to see this video and see the reactions of fellow flyers. now THIS is how it’s done. great post, Adam!

    1. I feel the same way Jessica… and the guy who couldn’t turn around was my favorite!

      I really appreciated the video, not just for the attempt to improve a generally disliked part of the customer experience, but from the point of pure craft. It would have been so easy to have been so restrained that everything fell flat or to have crossed the line and gone too far, but Delta walked the line perfectly.

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