In this installment of our “Expert Interviews” series on YouTube, I interview Jason Forrest. Jason Forrest empowers professionals and executives to unleash their human performance and master their leadership skills in sales, management, culture and service.
Guest Poster: Elisa Abbott The following is a guest post from Elisa Abbott. Elisa Abbott is a freelancer whose passion lies in creative writing. She completed a degree in Computer Science and writes about ways to apply machine learning to deal with complex issues. Insights on education, helpful tools and valuable university experiences – she […]
An interesting dynamic occurs with certain customer service roles. Those charged with providing service to customers also have responsibilities that require they control the customer. The customer-facing professional has authority and is expected to exercise it to maintain order, to maintain safety, and, in general, to maintain the smooth execution of operational processes. Sometimes, however, […]
In Be Your Customer’s Hero, I laid out the elements of Hero-Class® service: In the years that have followed, I’ve worked with many organizations and spoken with many more and have found that almost all of these organizations struggle with getting their teams to consistently deliver customer service to the standards they expect. A foolish consistency […]
Let’s just say it right here at the start — dealing with difficult customers stinks. Having provided customer service training to thousands upon thousands of people at all levels of organizations, I’ve learned that there is one thing every person who works with customers wants to know: how to successfully navigate difficult customer service situations […]
In this installment of our “Expert Interviews” series on YouTube, I interview Denise Lee Yohn. Denise Lee Yohn is the go-to expert on brand leadership for national media outlets, an in-demand speaker and consultant, and an influential writer.
This blog post was sponsored by my friends at Customer Contact Week. If you’re a contact center leader, make sure to check out this incredible event happening in Las Vegas on June 18-22, 2018. Our customers have psychological triggers, hot buttons that set them off and that can instantly make good experiences go bad. And […]
In the past decade or so, the term helicopter parent became popular as a description of a parent who constantly hovers over his or her children, overprotecting them and microparenting. Similarly, a helicopter rep is a customer-facing professional who hovers over the customer, creating a sense of pressure and overbearing attention. Often, helicopter reps mean […]
As a customer, there are few things more disappointing than having a great customer experience and then having it undone later by a different part of the organization. As a leader, there are few things more frustrating than creating a team that delivers fantastic customer experiences only to see your good work undone by a […]
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