
customer effort

3 Questions to Ask Before Launching Live Chat for Customer Service

At CTS Service Solutions, we believe one of the best ways to improve  customer experiences is by making interactions ad easy as possible and by decreasing the hassle-factor. Enter live chat. Live chat contains a number of attributes that contribute to hassle-free experiences. From ease of first contact, to low-to-no hold times, to the convenience of …

3 Questions to Ask Before Launching Live Chat for Customer Service Read More »

Customer Experience Statistics | Line Graph

9 Customer Experience Statistics to Refocus Your Team

Customer-facing professionals need to know not only the scope of the challenges they face but also the results that stem from their actions. Statistics centered around the customer experience can help bridge the gap between performance and results. The 9 statistics below are categorized into three important customer experience areas: customer loyalty, customer effort, and …

9 Customer Experience Statistics to Refocus Your Team Read More »

The Effortless Experience | Conquering the New Battleground for Customer Loyalty

The Effortless Experience: An Interview with Matt Dixon, Part 2

Last Thursday, we released three short video clips in Part 1 from our interview with Matt Dixon, coauthor of The Effortless Experience. Today, we are pleased to share the entire interview, which centers primarily around the idea of customer effort. The concept of customer effort first began gaining traction back in 2010 when team members …

The Effortless Experience: An Interview with Matt Dixon, Part 2 Read More »



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