
stephen covey

Time Management Decision Matrix -- 7 Habits

The Best Way to Make a Customer-Facing Team More Effective

In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey put forth the idea of viewing tasks through the lens of importance and urgency. The idea, proposed in the section entitled Habit 3 Put First Things First, is that one should align one’s actions with “First Things” to achieve effectiveness. Covey presented the following matrix, …

The Best Way to Make a Customer-Facing Team More Effective Read More »

The 5th Habit of Customer Service: A Shout Out to Stephen Covey

The illustrious Stephen Covey passed away earlier this week. Covey was a legend in the business community. Author, speaker, and educator, Covey was most famous for his huge bestseller The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The 7 Habits had a major influence on my life. It was released when I was in business school, …

The 5th Habit of Customer Service: A Shout Out to Stephen Covey Read More »



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