
The Official Launch: Customers That Stick 2.0

December 1, 2014

Welcome to the brand new CTS Service Solutions and Customers That Stick™ website! We’ve been working for some time to create a new vision for our site that would better help you, our readers and clients, engage with us and our content. We want to take this opportunity to take you through some of the new features of the site.

We’ve got a lot going on at CTS this month, and you’ll also notice a number of new and exciting projects as you navigate through the new site.

New Layout and Feel

To begin, we’ve adopted a much wider, flexible layout . The previous site had a narrow frame, which resulted in less text across the page and significantly more scrolling. Using current technology (we’ll leave out the technical details), we were able to deploy a flexible format that adapts to your screen and device.

We’ve also adopted a cleaner, more minimalist style, focused on better readability and enhanced presentation of content.

You can even check our shrinking header, which takes up less space as you move down the page.

New Navigation

cts_posts_2014-12_cts-new-siteOur wider, more flexible format allowed us to restructure our new navigation menu on the top of the page. You will notice more items both in the menu and in the submenu, which you can easily get to by placing your mouse over a menu item. You can now get to many more key areas of the site with a single click.

All of this has enabled us to create a more logical site design for you to easily find the information you are looking for.

Redesigned Homepage

Our home page has been redesigned to be easier to use and to get you information quicker. We wanted to make sure that you could access the parts of the site that are both most popular and most current easily and visibly.

You will notice a few new feature areas

  • Welcome video (just so we could say hi!)
  • Feature box above the fold
  • The last six blog posts
  • Easy access to join The Customer Conversation

Mobile Friendly

While our existing site used a plug in to render the site on mobile, our new site was built from the ground up with mobile in mind. This will make your viewing experience on tablets and other mobile devices much easier.

New Content and Resources

Today’s launch is only the beginning! We’ll be adding a lot more value for our readers over the next few months. Please keep an eye out for a few of the following to appear on the site soon:

  • More tutorials and videos
  • A guide to customer experience and customer service education
  • A resource page with instructional and informational resources

Thank you so much for visiting the new Customers That StickTM! We hope you enjoy the new and improved site and would love to hear any feedback you have. Feel free to contact us at any time!

12 thoughts on “The Official Launch: Customers That Stick 2.0”

  1. Mike Wittenstein

    Congrats on a great 2.0! Looks great, works great, and makes it super-easy to get to know you and learn how what you do can help others. Can’t wait to see “Cracking the Customer Code” in a couple of days!

  2. HUGE congrats my friend! I’ve been quite MIA online as I too ponder the next “evolution” of my blogsite and online presence. You’ve done an amazing job:) Cheers! Kaarina

    1. Thanks so much Kaarina — my original fellow traveler! I can’t wait to see what is next in store for you. I know it will be great whatever it is!

      Take care, and enjoy your holidays!

  3. WOW! Congratulations to you and the whole CTS Service Solutions team for putting together such a great looking site, and exciting new content. I’m looking forward to the Podcast and everything else that’s in store 🙂

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