Welcome to the soft launch of our new site, Customers That Stick. Our official launch is tomorrow, March 7th, but today I wanted to take a moment to introduce the new site and to thank those who helped make it possible.
If you are new here, you will see content that pre-dates this post. These posts come from our original Customer Service Experience blog which resided on our company’s web site. The original blog has gone through quite a transformation over the past year. Customers That Stick is the evolution of those changes.
To understand more about the goals of Customers That Stick, please read our About page.
To begin, there is a huge list of people that have assisted me along the way and were instrumental in making the blog at least a moderate success in its first year.
People like Bill Dorman, Shakirah Dawud, and Michelle Quillin, to name just a few, have been great supporters of the original incarnation of this blog. I owe them all a public thanks, but to keep this post from spiraling into a monstrous list of links to bloggers, I am going to focus on those people who assisted specifically with the transition to the new site.
A thank you to Erica Allison and Jayme Soulati for being forthright in the early days and telling me that my IntenseFence brand was a #hotmess. Not sure why they like to talk in hashtags so much, but their early candor was helpful in getting me to look at the IntenseFence brand messaging. 🙂
A thank you to my previous marketing assistant, Bailey, for some extremely helpful research and for early feedback on name choices.
A heartfelt thank you to Shonali Burke, Erica Allison, Kaarina Dillabough, Laura Click and Gini Dietrich for helping choose the CTS logo. All of their comments and opinions helped us make a better choice and shape the end result.
A thank you to Rafal Tomal of Tomal Design, as well as his great WordPress theme developer, Szymon Skulimowski. Rafal has worked with some of the biggest blogs in the business — Copyblogger, Chris Brogan, and Jay Baer to name a few. It was an honor to have him lend his incredible skills to Customers That Stick. He is an amazing designer and very customer focused to boot. Hopefully, the results speak for themselves.
A thank you to Jay Braver of Athens, GA web design, who was a great help advising on the technical parts of the move and who has been an excellent sounding board since the beginning of my blogging journey. By the way, he does video production too.
A huge thank you to our Market Development Coordinator Donna who was thrown into the launch her first week on the job.
First, I must thank Gini Dietrich. Anyone who knows Gini knows she gets more done in an hour than most people do in a day. Despite her speaking schedule, blogging schedule, and — I don’t know — day job, Gini has established herself as the unofficial den mother of the blogosphere. She makes time to support other bloggers in a way that I’ve never seen matched. I am honored to call her a friend, and she was kind enough to share some really sage advice when we were trying to decide on a new name for the site. Her insights in matters of branding are without peer, and I owe her a debt of gratitude and perhaps a tofu dinner.
Last, and certainly not least, I must thank my wife. She is and has been a tremendous asset, sounding board, and supporter throughout this process. Enough said publicly, but I could not have done it without her.
Okay, now that we’re done with that, let’s talk about…
We have some great content scheduled for the first week. Here’s a sneak preview:
Later Today: We are doing our crowdsourced post on Great Customer Service. Leave a comment here and you can get entries in our sweepstakes to win a Kindle Fire.
Tomorrow: Our official Launch post where we ask an eclectic group of great marketers, business owners, and customer service professionals the question: What Is Customer Service?
Thursday: An interview with Richard Shapiro, customer service professional and author of the great new book The Welcomer Edge.
Welcome to Customers That Stick! Please let us know what you think of the new site in the comments below.
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Awesome, awesome, awesome! Your new “home” rocks, and I’m delighted to have been a part of the process. Customers that Stick: love the look, love the branding. Kudos to you Adam:) Cheers! Kaarina
I really appreciate it Kaarina. Glad to have such a positive response!!! It’s been a learning experience for sure, but I’m very happy with the final product.
Many thanks for all of your support!
SCORE!! I win!! First post on a new site that looks #RockHot! Don’t want to disappoint you with no hashtags! Ahem.
I’m impressed; eager to see all the good stuff coming, Adam. Congrats.
Oh, did you think you “were off the fence?” Perhaps you can smile in your mug shots? Entice someone to buy that book you’re hawking!!! Heh. You can tell me to shaddup now.
What would a Jayme comment be without hashtags? #IDontKnow 🙂
I’m trying to get off the fence… really, trying.
Thanks so much for the early kick in the pants and for being the first guest poster on the new site. Looking forward to next week.
Ahem…I preceded Jayme by 2 minutes. Just sayin’…
Hmmn. should I count first to site or first to comment?
I LOVE the new look! And it was so much fun to help you with the logo, I really appreciated being part of the process. Onward and upward!
Always appreciated Shonali. If I can barely speak when we see each other next week, now you know why! Your support has been awesome.
You know… I just realized CommentLuv is not working. Off to fix Bug #1. 🙂
Actually, looks like it’s working on the site, just not in admin.
Shut that damn contest down and bring the Kindle Fire with you next Wednesday to cocktails; and I won’t even post about it. Sorry @soulati it’s all mine………:).
Good job bro; like birthing a baby, huh? Ok, that might be a stretch and the mothers in the group might take offense so let’s say ‘quite the project’. Congratulations though; glad to see you got it done.
Look forward to the progress and glad to be part of the journey so far.
Bill, you were the first email sign up — there’s got to be a prize for that, right?
Yeah, let’s stick with saying “quite the project” and leave it at that. I even finally did some video. Erica will be proud!
Appreciate all the loyalty and support. Looking forward to a great year for CTS and the not so invisible blogger!
Bill and Jayme, didn’t Adam tell you I already won it?
I will hunt you down……….
Love the branding, love the colors, love the flow and most importantly…love the message. You might have a great product, but if you’re service sucks, you’ll still lose customers. Period. All of that to say that customer service is essential to running a successful business!
I appreciate it Ricardo. I’m really happy with how the site turned out — and couldn’t agree with you more about good service.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by!
Great looking site! I was admiring the design but I found that the link under your About Author box on the homepage leads to a 404
Thanks so much for the comment David and for bringing that to my attention. The link should be good now! Hope you enjoy the post.
Adam! This looks FANTASTIC!! Of course, we already knew I’d love it all, but I really love seeing it come to fruition. I love the logo, the fonts, the colors, and (most of all) the writing and messaging.
HUGE congratulations!! And tell your better half congrats to her, too!
Good point UDMoB.
Thanks so much Gini! I really appreciate it.
And as I said, you were a huge help — I mean, if it wasn’t for you claiming copyright infringement, this site would be named Service Sucks right now!
Adam, I just want to say you’ve set the bar high for bloggers who want to completely overhaul their website and blog, not only looks-wise, but focus and topic-wise as well. Following you along, I appreciated the way you kept your community involved every step of the way, even if you weren’t sure what our reaction would be (I mean, really, who wants to read about customer service every day? I don’t know, but somehow, my hand is raised and waving frantically!).
It was such a pleasant surprise to be mentioned, especially since I wasn’t sure I’d done enough to show my support. But thank you for that, too. Like I tweeted yesterday, I can’t wait.
I really appreciate the kind words Shakirah! I’ll do my best to keep the content engaging since it is very focused. I’m finally adding video, and I think that will bring a lot to the content library.
You’ve always been a great supporter, as have many others I’ve failed to mention! I’ll just be glad when I get through this launch week so I can start showing some support myself. I’m definitely behind at the moment.
Congratulations, Adam! The site looks awesome and your hard work is definitely going to pay off. Please take a moment to give yourself a HUGE pat on the back! It takes a lot of time, energy and guts to go through a re-brand and re-design, but you’ve come out on the other side with flying colors. I can’t wait to see what’s next.
Yay you! 🙂
Thanks Laura! This whole process has been incredibly rewarding — and heaven knows, educational to boot. I really appreciate the support.
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