When we launched Customers That Stick in March, we ran a month long sweepstakes to celebrate and promote the launch of the site. You can read the original post here: The Final Post and Win a Kindle Fire.
Below are the three excellent prizes along with the winners!
Winner: Bill Dorman. The first prize goes to a community member and friend, who blogs about social media. The prize was originally won by someone else, but she failed to respond to numerous attempts to contact her.
Per the contest rules… “If a potential winner of any prize cannot be contacted, fails to provide proof of residence within the required time period (30 days), or prize is returned as undeliverable, such potential winner forfeits the prize. In the event that the potential First Prize, Second Prize or Third Prize winner is disqualified for any reason, Contest Holder will award the First Prize, Second Prize or Third Prize to an alternate winner by random drawing from among all remaining eligible entries.”
Winner: Christina Bandy
Winner: Didi Haybeck-Matregrano
If you want to see how the winners were chosen, check outthe two videos below showing the original winner selections and the alternate winner selection.
Congratulations to all of the winners, and thank you to all who participated in the sweepstakes and helped make the launch of CTS a success!
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Fire is right baby, as in ‘on fire.’ BTW, I don’t like to lose so that might be why you couldn’t locate the ‘first’ winner……..ha, she should have known better…….
I have to tell you sir, this is pretty cool. You had to track me down in the woods to let me know, but unlike some people………I’m pretty easy to find; especially when I win stuff.
Thanks much, I do appreciate it.
This was an interesting experience for sure. Didn’t think I would have much trouble giving away a Kindle Fire… who knew. My first thought when you won was that I was really glad I recorded the process, no inside baseball and all that.
Congratulations Bill!!! I’ll contact you offline for your address.
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