

Jeannie Walters of 360Connext

Faces of Customer Experience: Jeannie Walters

Meet Jeannie Walters! Jeannie Walters is the Chief Customer Experience InvestigatorTM/Founder of 360Connext, the only global organization specializing in Customer Experience InvestigationTM, a trademarked process of walking in the customer’s shoes for a truly objective view. She has been helping companies improve retention, employee engagement, digital experience and social customer care for more than 15 …

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Inside Customer Service

Inside Customer Service: Jeannie Walters

We are pleased to present our next installment in the Inside Customer Service video series with Jeannie Walters. Jeannie is the Chief Customer Experience Investigator™ and founder of 360Connext, a Chicago-based consulting firm specializing in the cornerstones of customer experience: customer engagement, employee engagement and connections like social media. In addition to writing and consulting, …

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