
customer experience

Customer Experience: How Minor Issues Create a Major Impact

I was staying at a large hotel chain in the Southwest United States earlier this week and received an unfortunate but stark reminder of how minor customer experience mishaps, delivered in succession, can accumulate for a major brand impact. For someone who speaks and writes about customer experience and customer service, I feel I am …

Customer Experience: How Minor Issues Create a Major Impact Read More »

Magic Number in Customer Experience Is Two

The Magic Number in Customer Experience Is Two

From mapping customer journeys to creating customer personas, it is easy to get carried away with the complexity of customer experience design and optimization. Our customers communicate with us via so many channels, they interact with us through so many touch points, that we can easily lose sight of the fact that most customer experiences …

The Magic Number in Customer Experience Is Two Read More »

Put the Customer Ahead of Customer Service Checklist

Putting the Customer Ahead of the Customer Service Checklist

As managers and owners, we have to take care that the systems we put in place to manage and ensure great customer experiences do not create robotic procedures that can be counter to the very experiences we are trying to create. In the post Customer Service Training: Principles Trump Procedures, I told the story of …

Putting the Customer Ahead of the Customer Service Checklist Read More »



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