
customer service techniques

Put the Customer Ahead of Customer Service Checklist

Putting the Customer Ahead of the Customer Service Checklist

As managers and owners, we have to take care that the systems we put in place to manage and ensure great customer experiences do not create robotic procedures that can be counter to the very experiences we are trying to create. In the post Customer Service Training: Principles Trump Procedures, I told the story of …

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The Ritz-Carlton's Famous $2,000 Rule | Customer Lifetime Value | Bell Desk

The Ritz-Carlton’s Famous $2,000 Rule

The Ritz-Carlton’s customer service is legendary, but how do they achieve it? One way is by empowering and training their employees to solve customer issues in real time. It is a customer service model that few hotels follow. However, if you’re one of their customers, it’s good news, because the Ritz-Carlton will spend $2,000 to …

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