

Are You Customer Service Reps Eating the Marshmallow | Picture of Marshmallow | Walter Mischel's Marshmallow Experiment

Are Your Customer Service Reps Eating the Marshmallow?

October 13, 2023

In yesterday’s Monday Motivation, a Monday email sent to subscribers to our eNewsletter The Customer Conversation (link no longer active), we spoke about Walter Mischel’s famous  experiment on self control and delayed gratification in children. Here is part of the email: Researcher Walter Mischel at Stanford devised an ingenious experience back in the Sixties to […]

One Company's Inattention Is Another's Opportunity

One Company’s Inattention Is Another’s Opportunity

October 13, 2023

A few weeks ago, I stopped by a big box electronics store to make a quick purchase. I had dropped my wife at an appointment and decided to run a few errands until she was done. In this brief trip, I was reminded of how damaging it can be to ignore customers. I was shopping […]

A Hero-Class (R) Thank You! | Arms in Air on Mountaintop

A Hero-Class® Thank You!

October 13, 2023

Now that Be Your Customer’s Hero is on bookstore shelves and being used by frontline customer service professionals across the country (and the world!) to help them deliver Hero-Class® customer experiences, I wanted to take a moment to publicly thank some important friends and colleagues who played a part in HERO. Many of those listed […]

Should Customer Service Reps Start with their Best Offers? | People at table talking

Should Customer Service Reps Start with their Best Offers?

October 13, 2023

Customer service in the real world sometimes comes down to a negotiation. When you have an issue to resolve, often you and your organization are trying to find a way to make the customer happy without giving away the store and the customer (usually) is trying to get what she feels is fair. While I […]

Turning a Customer Service Culture

Turning a Customer Service Culture

October 13, 2023

We wish that changing a customer service culture could be like turning a Jet Ski®. We slam the steering handles hard to the side, the Jet Ski® turns around almost on a dime, and within moments, we are speeding the other way at full speed. Sure, the turn is tough, and the sudden motion jerks […]

How Customer Service Can Save Cable

How Customer Service Can Save Cable

October 13, 2023

In the Temkin Group’s 2015 Experience Ratings Industry Snapshots, Internet Service Providers were ranked last out of 20 different industries. It’s no surprise; few people love their cable or phone provider, and among the least beloved is Comcast. Comcast announced recently that it will be putting a massive effort behind changing its customer service. The […]

Be Your Customer's Hero Cover | Customer Service Book

The Official Book Launch and 72 Hours to Claim Gifts

October 13, 2023

THIS PROMOTION IS NOW CLOSED. THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING! The big day is finally here! Today is the official launch of Be Your Customer’s Hero. To celebrate the launch and to try to work our way onto Amazon’s bestseller lists, we are offering incentives if you purchase multiple copies of Be Your Customer’s Hero in […]

The Ultimate Starter Guide to Employee Empowerment

Employee Empowerment the Smart Way

October 24, 2023

This morning we released CTS Service Solutions’ Ultimate Starter Guide to Employee Empowerment. This guide walks those new to the idea of strategically and consciously attempting to increase employee empowerment in their organizations through many of the basic ideas surrounding empowerment as well as nine tips for empowering employees effectively. One of the concepts discussed […]

Be Your Customer's Hero Customer Service Book

The New Book Revealed: Be Your Customer’s Hero

October 13, 2023

Service triggers that set customers off. Power words that influence customer perception. Go-to tactics that turn difficult situations around. My new book Be Your Customer’s Hero: Real-World Tips and Techniques for the Service Front Lines is finally here. And I couldn’t be happier with the end product! I am truly thrilled to put this book […]


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