Customer service is about attitude first, skills second. All of the product knowledge and technique training in the world will not produce results if a customer facing professional (CFP) is not trying to achieve success in the moment. A CFP must care enough about the final result to actively look for solutions and to shift […]
In our previous post, guest author Jayme Soulati of Soulati Media, Inc. wrote about How Great Marketing Can Create Bad Customer Service. I was fortunate enough to interview Jayme and to get her to expand on the thoughts she shared in her written piece. I was glad to capture Jayme live, as her enthusiasm and […]
Jayme Soulati Our guest post author for this installment of the Customer Service Stories series is Jayme Soulati, President of Soulati Media, Inc. Soulati Media delivers business-to-business social media marketing with public relations. For more Jayme, check out her hard-hitting blog at Also, please keep an eye out for our great video interview […]
I had the opportunity this past week to sit down with Richard Shapiro and talk about his recently released book: The Welcomer Edge: Unlocking the Secrets to Repeat Business. Richard embraces the concept of Welcomers, those members of a company’s team who know how to instantly make a connection with a customer and who continue […]
It is the most fundamental of questions. Like many concepts, customer service seems to be in the eye of the beholder, a Rorschach test for how one views business and, to some degree, life. Is customer service a mere business function, subject to the tight strictures of return on investment? Or is customer service an […]
We wanted to try something a little different with this installment of the “What-Is” series and create a blog post completely written by our community. If you read blogs with any regularity, you know that often the real action happens in the comments, not in the post itself. In this post, there is no doubt: […]
Welcome to the soft launch of our new site, Customers That Stick. Our official launch is tomorrow, March 7th, but today I wanted to take a moment to introduce the new site and to thank those who helped make it possible. If you are new here, you will see content that pre-dates this post. These […]
As many of you know, we will be launching our new blog at the beginning of March Like all good things, this Customer Service Experience blog must come to an end. Today’s post is the final one that will be published on It’s been fun here at IntenseFence, but this move has been […]
Dear Fellow Business Owner / Manager, Let’s face it — your service sucks. Bad. Now, I’ll be the first to admit my service sucks on occasion too. But in my defense, my sins are unintentional. I am trying to do the right thing, and I either dropped the ball or hired the wrong ball carrier. […]
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