
customer service

Five Ways that Video Matters for Customer Experience

Guest Poster: Andrew Konoff It is my pleasure to introduce Andrew Konoff. Andrew is the Marketing and Community Manager at GoInstant, a co-browsing company. There, he runs a blog that focuses on bringing customer experience management to a broader audience. You can find him on Twitter as @andrewkonoff. Last week I decided it was finally …

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How a Prisoner's Dilemma Explains the Power of Customer Service | Dog Behind Bars

How a Prisoner’s Dilemma Explains the Power of Customer Service

For the launch of the Customers That Stick blog, we published a roundup post entitled What Is Customer Service? At the beginning of that post, I posited a question: “Is customer service a mere business function, subject to the tight strictures of return on investment? Or is customer service an expression of human decency, something …

How a Prisoner’s Dilemma Explains the Power of Customer Service Read More »

5 Lessons Salespeople Can Teach Customer Service | Traffic Signal

5 Lessons Salespeople Can Teach Customer Service Professionals

Sales is one of the toughest jobs in business. To survive in the sales game, you need a thick skin and an unwavering persistence. At the same time, to thrive in sales you need a sunny personality, a way with people, and a firm grasp of the dynamics of the sales game. This is why …

5 Lessons Salespeople Can Teach Customer Service Professionals Read More »

Shep Hyken

Customer Service Story: Shep Hyken’s Classic Taxi Tale

I wanted to share a great customer service story from customer service speaker Shep Hyken. Shep’s story of his encounter with a Texas taxi driver is a classic and demonstrates how any person or organization can deliver an incredible customer experience by focusing on the customer and by breaking through the boundaries of their industry. …

Customer Service Story: Shep Hyken’s Classic Taxi Tale Read More »

The 5th Habit of Customer Service: A Shout Out to Stephen Covey

The illustrious Stephen Covey passed away earlier this week. Covey was a legend in the business community. Author, speaker, and educator, Covey was most famous for his huge bestseller The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The 7 Habits had a major influence on my life. It was released when I was in business school, …

The 5th Habit of Customer Service: A Shout Out to Stephen Covey Read More »



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