
We Have a Book Deal!

March 17, 2014
Frontline Customer Service Book Announcement

We are super excited to announce that we officially have a book deal!

The book is centered on frontline customer service and is meant to provide customer-facing employees the mindset, strategies, and techniques to provide Hero-ClassTM Customer Service.

The publisher is AMACOM, a significant publisher of business books for over 50 years. AMACOM has published books from a wide variety of customer experience and customer service authors, including my buddy Jeff Toister (Service Failure), Steve Curtin (Delight Your Customers), and John DiJulius (Secret Service).

It’s a tremendous honor to join such a reputable publisher and such an esteemed tradition of service professionals. But the honor is not mine alone. I say we have a book deal, because this book would not have happened without the CTS community, my team here at CTS (particularly Donna Gurnic), and a number of amazing friends. Publishers look for platform, and this blog and all of you are a part of that.

I think of people like Kaarina Dillabough and Bill Dorman both of who entered this wacky world of blogging at the exact same time I did (Feb/Mar 2011) and who have remained friends and supporters ever since.

Or my friends Shonali Burke and Gini Dietrich, both of who generously offered counsel as I was in the process of seeking publication. (Check out my review of Gini’s awesome new book in our March 31st post!)

Or Erin Feldman, a great freelance editor, whom I knew for years through blogging and who helped edit the proposal that landed the deal.

I’ll save the detailed thanks for when there is an actual book, but this is why I say we. Sure, I have to do the work, but you get to share in the accomplishment.

Q&A: About that Frontline Customer Service Book

Instead of an expository post telling you all about the book, I thought I would present a Q&A section that includes a number of the questions I have received so far. If you’re pressed for time, make sure to jump to the bottom to find out how you might be able to be a part of the book.

What prompted you to write this book?

Frustration. Like everyone, I am tired of the level of service I receive as I go through daily life. I know it can be better, and I think there is a tremendous opportunity to create a book that frontline teams will want to read and that can make the service we all receive a lot better!

What is the title?

I do not know yet. I think that discussion will happen in a few months. The publisher tends to have final say in most book deals, and they do on this one.

How long is the book?

I won’t be able to measure it until it is actually printed.


Alright, it’s at least long enough so that I can satisfy my contractual requirements, but after that, it’s as long as it needs to be to cover the topic. I am not a fan of “publication padding” (yes, my own term). You can always tell when an author or publisher has added filler to get a book up in size. My goal for the reader experience is the same as it is for any customer experience, to make sure that every step along the journey provides value.

You hardly respond to your Twitter feed; how are you writing a book?


How does this book compare to the novel you tried to write in your twenties?

It’s shorter, it’s being published, and no one is murdered in it.

Who should buy this book?

Everyone who is living.

Ok, ok… The book is designed for frontline customer-facing professionals. Customer service reps, retail associates, account managers, store managers, and the like. Basically, this book is for anyone who works directly with customers as part of their job. It is primarily focused on retail and B2C.

Buy it for your receptionist.

Buy it for your sales team.

Buy it for anyone in your organization who deals with customers on a regular basis.

When will the book come out?

Spring of 2015. We’ll lock down a date as we get closer. The final date is generally based much more around considerations on the publisher’s side than on the author’s.

What will you do to publicize the book?

I am changing my name to Brad Pitt.

How can I participate?

Change your name to Brad Pitt and then provide me a book blurb.

More importantly, if you have a great story about a customer interaction where you or your team provided great service; I would love to hear from you. I am looking for stories about how you succeeded with a customer that touch any of the following major topics:

  • Communication
  • Issue resolution
  • Proactive outreach
  • Systems or processes
  • Teamwork

For the record, I am not looking for experiences you had as a customer. We all have a million of those stories. I want to know how you made an excellent experience happen for a customer.

If you have a story or anecdote that you think would provide a great lesson in customer service, simply drop me an email at adam(AT-SIGN)

Thank You!

Once again, I just want to thank you all for being part of the CTS community! We are excited to share this milestone and will keep you posted on the progress of the book as we go.

15 thoughts on “We Have a Book Deal!”

  1. Yes, I believe I did see my name mentioned so I’m assuming Kaarina and I will get at least 2% of the royalties, right?

    Congrats sir; great news. Can’t wait to read it. Now I can say I knew you when, huh?

    Good luck and I’ll make sure to give it a review.

    1. 2%. You went in low. I would have gone at least as high as 4. Keep an eye our for that check. It’s in the mail. I think you’ve heard that a time or two in your career.

      Appreciate all the support over the years!

  2. Adam, I couldn’t be happier for you. Writing a book is something that I think many of us long to do and accomplish. Kudos to you for taking on the task, getting a publisher AND running your businesses: you are a man of many talents. Oh…and Bill and I will eagerly await those first royalty cheques, haha! Cheers! Kaarina

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words K! You’ve been a great sounding board and motivator over the years.

      And as long as you and Bill split the royalties, I’m good with it. But no allowances for the conversion rate!

  3. “It’s shorter, it’s being published, and no one is murdered in it.”


    I’m very proud of you, Adam! You’re doing all of the hard work that is going to catapult you to the levels of success you deserve. And, when it comes time, I may know someone who has some book marketing experience and can lend a hand.

    1. You are too kind Gini! And I greatly appreciate all of your support. But who do you know with book marketing experience? 🙂

      PS. I was reading a certain galley of a certain book on a certain plane yesterday. I’m not naming names though.

  4. OMGosh…you have arrived! You’ve hit your stride! You grew up before our very eyes! I knew you when! #RockHot, Adam Toporek, you customer success story!


    1. From the #rockhot queen herself — that truly is an accolade!

      Thanks so much Jayme! Much appreciated. I’ll reach out in the next few weeks; it’s been too long.

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