
What is Hero-Class Customer Service? Part 2

January 31, 2013

In our last post, What is Hero-Class Customer Service? Part 1, we discussed why we like the term Hero-ClassTM Customer Service and the characteristics that customer facing professionals need to become customer service heroes.

The final piece of understanding Hero-ClassTM Customer Service is to discuss what it looks like in an organization as a whole. What is the essence of Hero-ClassTM Customer Service itself? How does the sum of the parts, the actions of individual heroes, add up for the organization and its customers?

Hero-ClassTM Customer Service…

Hero-Class Customer Service | CTS Man With Cape

… is super-fast but never rushed
… is proactive more than reactive
… is visible in result but invisible in execution
… is experience-focused and not silo-bound
… is self-aware but not self-centered
… is consistent without being inflexible
… is efficient but not effortless
… is relational not transactional
… is always present but never an imposition
… is referral generating more than referral soliciting
… is surprising but never a surprise
… is data-conscious but not data-dominated
… is broad in concept but individual in application
… is grateful in substance not just in form

The list above represents what an organization should strive for, not what it should or can achieve. Sound-byte slogans often fail under the bright lights of real-world customer service and should not be approached literally. However, they are where we begin for inspiration and objective.

Hero-ClassTM Customer Service is a holistic approach to the total customer experience that transcends individual initiatives and programs of the week. It is based in a cultural approach that blends customer-focused systems with well-trained brand emissaries.

Put plainly, it is customer service that is all about customers.

Have you enjoyed Hero-ClassTM Customer Service anywhere lately?

10 thoughts on “What is Hero-Class Customer Service? Part 2”

  1. Pingback: What is Hero-Class Customer Service? Part 1

  2. I like the “broad in concept but individual in application”: there’s no one-size-fits-all when dealing with people, and customer service has, and always will be about serving the customer. Cheers! Kaarina

  3. I know that when I receive World Class Customer service, I tell people. I often blog about it.

    When the moment arrives that I need help and I look up the phone number to dial, I’m already frustrated. People who understand this earn my respect and future business.

    1. So true Brian. Understanding what got a customer to that moment of picking up the phone or sending a tweet is the first step to having a successful exchange. Like a warranty department, everyone who calls is upset about something. Reps should embrace that going in.

  4. Hi Adam. This series is of particular interest to me. As professional in a business where focus on CS sometimes takes a back seat I find these tips a pleasure to have access to. In fact, with your permission I may add this to my arsenal for my monthly team building sessions with my team.

    The trick will be to find a tangible example to apply to your list.

    Cheers sir and thank you for sharing this info. Love it.

  5. Pingback: 3 Things You May Have Missed in CTS' First year

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