Instead of a roundup looking back at the past year, I thought I would take a look forward in this final day of 2011. This blog will be changing a good bit in the coming year, and I wanted to talk briefly about the new direction.
[UPDATE: As the redesign has already occurred and this post was moved to the new domain, some information on this page will be dated.]
The name of blog and the domain name will be changing. The focus on customer service and customer experience is not aided by a confused branding message.
Do you sell fences? Are you a fence company? Do you have a clue — no, really… do you?
While IntenseFence Management Solutions will still be the business entity that owns this blog, the blog will have a new name and a new look. The new domain is already secured, and no, I’m not telling what it is. My wife’s latest copy of Vogue says I’m supposed to be mysterious.
(Gini knows, but she would never betray me. Unless you have Bears tickets on the 50.)
We are currently working on securing a designer. Also, we have to find an SEO expert to move everything without losing our Google juice, which I hear mixes well with vodka.
As most of you know, I have posted religiously on a schedule over the past year.
<Insert pause as regular readers fall over laughing.>
Okay, so regular content production has not been a hallmark of this blog thus far, but that is going to change.
I just counted, and I have over 30 blog titles in my tickler file just waiting to be written. So, it has never been about ideas, just priorities. While I am still working on balancing (sorry Kaarina) this blog with multiple offline businesses, I am committing to step up content in a big way. I probably won’t adopt an actual blogging schedule until after the relaunch, but content production is going to increase measurably in 2012.
Look for entire sections of the site to develop focused on content areas. This will be an ongoing process, but I’ve already mapped out some key sections that I intend to develop in Q1 and Q2. Also, I will be producing more “pillar” type posts like this one on customer lifetime value.
It’s time… Enough said. Look for this to appear in Q1.
Long overdue (right Marcus?). Not sure how many me-looking-at-camera, Blair Witch style videos I will be posting, but you can look forward to interviews and other video content to appear in the first half of the year.
I will be soliciting more guest posts, particularly for the Customer Service Stories series. Drop me a line if you have a story of exceptional service, either positive or negative, that you think might be a good fit. I also hope to increase my guest posting at other blogs, but that will not be a focus in the early part of the year.
I hope this look to the future gives a sense of what to expect as we roll into 2012. I’m very excited about the new refinements and making this blog one of the top customer service destinations on the Internet!
Not all of the changes above will happen at once. The goal for the relaunch is Feb 14 because I’m a romantic at heart… because that is the one year anniversary of this blog. Other than that, most of the items above are ongoing processes more than achievable milestones.
Last but not least, thank you.
Whether you read this today or on the other side of midnight, whether this is your first time here or your fortieth (Bill), I appreciate your taking the time to visit my little corner of the blogosphere. I look forward to seeing you in 2012 and making your time here more rewarding than ever.
A happy, healthy and safe New Year to all!
What would you like to see out of this blog in 2012?
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Adam, love these goals man. I really do. I’m especially happy that you’re going to start a newsletter and do video. Both can make a huge difference overall. I’ve always known you had the talent and skills, and so now I think the application is the next step, and it appears to be there.
Call me if you need anything man.
I appreciate that Marcus, and I also appreciate the counsel you’ve taken time to share this past year! It has helped tremendously.
Looking forward to see what happens at TSL in 2012 — your achievements in 2011 were amazing to watch!
Thanks for stopping by. A great new year to you and your family!
Adam, you had me LOL with the “balance” reference:)
I couldn’t be happier for you and the direction that you will be taking with your blog in 2012. It seems many of us have taken stock and see the potential and direction that will best fit our goals, and are making the adjustments…me included.
You’ve piqued my curiosity on what the new blog name will be, but I will be patient:) And I’ll also be interested in finding out which designer you choose, as I too will be making some tweaks to my site.
Wishing you and yours a 2012 full of fun, health and happiness. Cheers! Kaarina
Hey Kaarina,
I always think of you when I use “balance” in that way! 🙂 I’m curious to hear what directions you are taking with your blog as well. We’ll have to catch up soon.
I’ll shoot you an email on the blog name — would like your opinion on a piece of it actually.
All the best for a great and fulfilling 2012!
Let’s plan a video skype in the new year:) And please…do shoot me an email…I’d love to be privy to the new blog name. I shall view it in the cone of silence:) Cheers! Kaarina
Absolutely… and the email has already been sent! 🙂
Hey there Adam,
Looking forward to seeing where you’re moving in 2012, and already feel a big push for you and your goals next year.
Here’s to you, sir!
Hey Danny,
I really appreciate that. Glad to have gotten to know you this past year and looking forward to an excellent 2012!
Here’s back at ya!
I love the new direction and can’t wait for the formal unveiling. Those are some very strong goals for 2012 and ones that I’m sure you’ll fulfill. Glad to hear you’re going to jump into video. Happy to help there if you need it. Email newsletters are on my 2012 list of marketing tools as well; I started off with a holiday newsletter to test the waters and it felt great.
Looking forward to watching your success in 2012!
Hey Erica,
Glad you like! I think you were one of the early ones to tell me where the IntenseFence thing was missing the mark — so I owe you a debt of gratitude.
I might have to take you up on the video thing — definitely a new area for me, and you are a natural.
Thanks for the kind words, and I look forward to seeing ADG reach new heights this year as well!!!
What? You aren’t in the fence business? Go figure, huh?
Sounds exciting and sounds like you are focused on your plan and mission. Hopefully whatever you are trying to accomplish with the ‘social’ side will be more than worth your while.
I look forward to following your progress my friend and thanks for calling me 40………:).
Happy New Year to you; see you soon.
Hey Bill,
First comment of the New Year (well, besides the spammer from overseas) — surely, there is a prize in it for you. 🙂
I am very excited about the new direction, and definitely looking forward to the launch date. Thanks for being a regular here in 2011 and all of the great comments and interaction! The support has been truly appreciated.
As for calling you forty… well, what are friends for, right?
Have a great first day of the year!
Nice goal man, wishing you that you could achieve your goal in a little time within this year, go…on
I appreciate that. Happy new year to you!
Adam how did I not know how funny you are????
It’s a well kept secret Jenn. lol I really appreciate you saying that though! 🙂
Great goals, Adam, and how exciting that you’re bringing your blog name in line with your content!
I’m trying on a few new things as well, hoping to get my schedule under control. It’s hard to know what to say no to, what to say yes to, and what to wait upon. Like you, we have offline interests as well, and there’s really just not enough time in the day to give everything 100% without burning out.
My New Year’s Resolutions have a lot to do with being proactive about my personal dreams, as well as taking care of spiritual, physical, and financial priorities — all of which require organization of my time. 2012 is going to be a great year for all of us, I think!
Looking forward to your reveal, and seeing you on video!
Thanks for the encouragement Michelle! I look forward to hearing what “new things” you have up your sleeve. Sounds like you’ve been giving it a lot of thought. I agree that 100% on all cylinders never works for long — I think the challenge (for me at least) is trying to impose as much structure as possible on the inherently fluid and unstructured world of small business. It’s fun to try at least!!! 🙂
Nothing but best wishes for you to accomplish all you are striving for in 2012! If I can be of assistance, let me know.
It’s no fun to say, “I KNOW!” when you’ve already announced it. Oh wait. Was I the only one who got that email?!?
You were the only one prior to that email. That email was sent to a very small Outlook list entitled “People Who Won’t Spit Their Drink on Their Screen If I Ask Them For Help.” 🙂
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