

How Amazon Can Improve Its Rating System

October 26, 2023

You cannot discuss online rating systems without mentioning As the largest online retailer, Amazon has always been at the forefront of online shopping and it’s comment system is one of the most, if not the most, sophisticated out there. Amazon has introduced numerous innovations over the years to add credibility to its rating system: […]

Bad Customer Service Costs You, Big Time

October 26, 2023

I enjoyed this excellent infographic from the folks over at Help Scout. The infographic, originally posted by Gregory Ciotti on the Help Scout blog, curates a number of well-known statistics with some lesser-known data to synthesize a graphic that shows how costly customer service can be. A few standout takeaways serve as great reminders: Enjoy […]

Organizational Management: The Doomsday Preppers Edition | underground bunker

Organizational Management: The Doomsday Preppers Edition

October 26, 2023

Okay, I will admit it: one of the guilty pleasures in my household is a show called Doomsday Preppers. To begin, I have always been interested in preparedness, and modern disasters like Katrina and Sandy have only helped to reinforce that interest. Both storms exposed a concern that was previously disregarded as a paranoiac fantasy: […]

6 Can’t Miss Ways to Kickstart Your Customer’s Experience

March 25, 2013

The concepts of primacy and recency dictate that in any encounter we tend to remember what happened first and what happened most recently. Exceptions abound, but the law of primacy reminds us that first impressions matter — in life and in the customer experience. While optimizing the customer experience should generally be approached holistically — […]

Customer Service Scripts | Fountain pen and ink well

In Defense of Customer Service Scripts

October 26, 2023

Scripts have a bad rap in the customer service field. No matter the format — speeches, blog posts, chats — it is common to hear customer service professionals say things such as… And they are right… For the most part. Why Scripts Suck Who doesn’t hate having a semi-skilled customer automaton robotically read a canned […]

How to Handle Customer Threats

August 28, 2023

One of the sad realities of customer service is that a small percentage of customers will resort to threats to attempt to get what they want. Reasons vary. Perhaps the customer is exasperated and is lashing out. Perhaps the customer hasn’t gotten what they want and is escalating it to see if you will back […]

Upgrade Your Technology on a Budget | Green Vortex

Upgrade Your Customer Service Technology on a Budget

October 26, 2023

In 7 Ways to Deliver a Faster Customer Experience, we discussed some of the ways businesses can improve the customer experience by speeding up the underlying processes that affect customer interactions. The third method we discussed, Upgrade Your Technology, barely scratched the surface of the crucial role technology plays in the customer experience and how […]

5 Customer Support Emails You Must Get Right | Saying Thanks Email

5 Customer Support Emails that You Must Get Right

October 26, 2023

Guest Poster: Gregory Ciotti Gregory Ciotti is the marketing strategist at Help Scout, the invisible email management software for small-businesses and startups. Get more customer service content from Greg on the Help Scout blog or stop by and download one of our Customer Loyalty Resources (no charge). By now you know that the customer experience will […]

7 Ways to Deliver a Faster Customer Experience

October 26, 2023

In the Second Screen Era, the need for speed is no longer an option. People’s lives are more harried and hectic than at anytime before, and the fastest way to turn customers from raving fans to raging detractors is to waste their time. Speed does not mean rushing the customer; speed means delivering the customer […]


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